Why Building A Wellness Business That Lasts Is Great For The Community
In 2015, I decided to purchase Bikram Hot Yoga Long Beach. I had no idea what I was doing, I felt uncertain about my ability to now “lead” my teaching peers, and I was overwhelmed with fear at everything I had to do for the City of Long Beach, State of California, and the IRS! I could not believe there wasn’t a one-page checklist that existed with all the legal instructions for owning your own business! This was a time of releasing my chokehold grip so I could allow the growth that can be. And often this growth doesn’t come by way of ease, or an easy candyland game path. Usually, I’ve found mine riddled with potholes, no-parking signs, unanswered questions, and sometimes defeat.
Caution alert: what I am about to share might be triggering for some people.
I’ve played it safe for so long. It’s funny though how playing it safe doesn’t feel so safe. Early in my owning the hot yoga jewel that is now West Coast Sweat, I had this experience with Melissa (fellow teacher) that was so profound. Honestly I can’t remember why we were even talking about some of our childhood experiences that weren’t so kid friendly. (And p.s., I love when we find people in our lives that we can intimately share with!) At the time I was struggling with making ends meet, playing small, believing bad press and reviews, and not really being able to give myself and also the studio, permission to thrive, even soar. I was stuck in fear and anguish, second guessing my decision to purchase the studio and a little too hyper focused on what could potentially go wrong. Then, Melissa and I were talking about our early teen years and all of a sudden I remembered this experience I had when I was 13. My father had come to pick me up from my friend Elena’s house. When I got into the car I wasn’t at all surprised by the fact that my dad had been drinking, I mean, this was so normal in my life. Besides, I didn’t know any better at the time to demand I have a sober driver to take me home! (Thank you MADD and modern awareness so that more people have language for this!)
So, as we’re driving home, and still a few blocks away from my house, my dad passes out at the wheel. At that moment I remembered vividly…I didn’t freak out, I wasn’t even upset, and I don’t think I felt fear. I was very aware of what was happening and I knew I had to make a quick decision to take the wheel, veer to the right (to the curb), place my foot on the brake, put the truck in park, turn the truck off, and of course, take the keys. At that moment sharing with Melissa, and after so many years “playing it safe,” it dawned on me that I actually was a risk taker. Yes, that’s me. I, actually somewhere deep inside me, do possess courage to be okay in the uncertain, courage to step into making decisions, (and sometimes hard decisions) even when the way is not clear and definitely sans any guarantees! Thank you so much mat, and even thank you to my dad for reminding me of this!
So now that I got out of my own way, I could really get into a place to observe what was happening in my life, and the studio, and figure out what we both needed to thrive, grow, and reach our potential. I mean come on, we’re on a mission to help people! I had to figure this out! I sought guidance, (that I willingly agreed to pay for🤣), because I was so over trying to do it all on my own and especially trying to do it all and save a buck in the process. I knew my health was just as important as the studio’s health and I needed to hire more people and resources so that I could regain the health and balance I was lacking.
All of this brought me back to my practice and to wisdom filled learnings realized on my mat. Resilience builds when we welcome what is and we have the fortitude to see everything with eyes wide open and the strength and grit to continue moving forward. It’s when the chips are down we still find a way to rise above and keep moving. And sometimes we have to do this on our own and sometimes we have to do this when we want so badly for someone to do it for us! And this is why our community is so, so needed. Because, each of us individually walks the path of our own life, but how much sweeter it is to know there are others around us on their mat, experiencing their own journey. How wonderful to be going through this together.
I can’t tell you how much joy I feel when I students share stories and their personal experiences of triumph, loving themselves more, healing from trauma or betrayal, being able to run with their knees again, being able to manage their sh*% because they’re so relaxed or whatever it is. At West Coast Sweat, we see a community where people love and respect themselves and others. The more we can cultivate this on our mat, the more we can embody and live this off the mat and the more patience we can extend to others and especially ourselves. Nelson Mandela said, “When we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence, automatically liberates others.”
So here’s to 20 years serving Long Beach at West Coast Sweat! The next time you’re driving in your neighborhood, observe and see places and businesses such as the local theatre company that taught so many children and teenagers how to stand in front of people, the soccer, softball, baseball, rugby, you name it, little league fields where so many kids and people learned to do their best. The boxing gyms where people come to hang out, (even when they’re not boxing)! The cross fit gyms where everyone cheers each other on to the Violin Teacher who loves watching their students discover their talents. These wellness businesses are such strong anchors to the community. We’re so thrilled and honored to be among them leaving our mark on the people of Long Beach.
We can’t wait for all of the exciting (and hard) things that must be in our future! Whatever comes our way, we have our practice to rely on to remind us that we can do hard things and that we can still experience joy in the process. As the song goes, “the rest is still unwritten.
Oh, and by the way there’s another great experience I have with my dad. It was that day that I remember seeing my dad looking at his friends outside (because everyone drank outside in their front yard in those days!) seeing them laughing, playing loud music, drinking their liquid joy, and then my dad took a deep breath, closed the blind, and said goodbye for good to alcohol. I am so proud of him as he has been sober ever since!
Miracles do happen. Redemption is something available to everyone. Life is about focusing on where you’re going, not where you started.
See you on your mat!